Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The current Syrian crisis

Features of the settlement of the war option raced

Mohammed Oak


When it becomes the threat of aggression on Syria burden on the United States, France , begin attempts to gain more time and postpone the launch of military operations , and betting on a political deal achieve U.S. objectives without resorting to barges in the eastern Mediterranean

During the past few hours , no longer the expectations of the vote in the Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives alone out countdown to the French American war of aggression on Syria , as being transmitted war resolution to the United Nations and linked agenda of the UN chemical experts report and the date of its publication and its contents

It was Francois Hollande , who faces two-thirds of the French opposition to any involvement in the war on Syria, has promised « to take a decision in this regard after the possibility of bringing the case before the United Nations

This was followed by the French position Alansahabi the consensus between the EU ministers and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry failing to act against Syria before the UN report image crystallized chemical in Syria , experts note that the powers
Do not include the identification of the use of chemical weapons in Damascene Gouta .

Kerry joined the Frenchman Alantzara position report of the United Nations , noting that no one has paid investigators ' chemical ' attention at the beginning of their work, but that Washington pressed in the first days of arrival to Damascus by dragging them demanded once raising them samples .

He announced Kerry , who met with Nabil Elaraby and the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates , Bahrain, Qatar , Egypt, Jordan , Kuwait and Morocco in Paris, that the United States has not ruled out the possibility of returning to the Security Council for a resolution on Syria once the weapons inspectors by United Nations of their report ... He said « on President Hollande 's remarks concerning the United Nations listen to President Obama , we all know , each of our friends carefully . Superior failed to take a decision , but he hinted that the Arab states seeking strict respond .

In the context Find gain time to get out of intractable caused by raising the ceiling of threats of war , and the inability of the United States on their implementation , and adjust the explosions generated them , he drew also the attention of Barack Obama, at a press conference in St. Petersburg last Friday, the proposal gives the Syrian regime 45 days additional , and to postpone any military action if Damascus agreed on the signing of the Treaty for the prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Obama has described such a proposal as « constructive

And looks to return to the U.S. and European United Nations is an important signal to activate the political exits , without that meaning that the exclusion of the military option ... The Laurent Fabius considered , yesterday, that «the military operation is a necessary condition for the success of the Geneva » , a process considered always the final destination of the military operation as alleged by the Americans and the French , and that the bulk of what they are doing is to improve the conditions for negotiations in the interest of the Syrian opposition.

At the level of « chemical » Syrian , it seems perception reflected in Obama's position , although he did not crystallize clearly and enters in the context of the confusion prevailing in the U.S. president, is the closest to the logic of the deals that kept the face of the U.S. first, and guarantee the security of Israel , which is the initial goal set by the aggression , and stop the countdown to any military operation ... and achieve the perception is based on the development of the current protocol for the Committee of Experts internationalists and convert their mission to search and identify mission stock ' chemical ' Syrian , Russian guarantees - a joint American and put him custody of the United Nations. The plan of this kind require pre- Damascus that the signing of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

Being counsel No. thousand tons of chemicals that Syria has developed in various stages since the seventies ... and Syria rejected the initiative and the International Atomic Energy Agency mid-nineties for a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction that did not include Israel is not signatory to the Treaty on the Limitation of nuclear weapons. .. and made ​​the proposal to dismantle the « chemical » Syrian another step , as expressed defense Minister Austrian Gerhard Kellogg , in a letter to his American counterpart Chuck هايغل , his willingness to send 20 experts Austrian to participate in the mission internationalist oversees the disposal of stock « chemical » Syrian a declaration European first , from a country traditionally close to Syria , to engage in a complex process , out of the intractability of the military and diplomatic .

The activation of the Geneva channel parallel and synchronized with the search neutralizing « chemical » Syrian , has been tested displayed a new European regain interpretation of old European with the agreement on June 30, 2012, and his point of contention major disqualification Syrian President Assad before searching in points transitional government and elections.

According to the source of Western diplomat , has made ​​the Foreign Minister of the European Union Catherine Ashton, in St. Petersburg last Friday, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov proposal to summon the parties to Geneva as soon as possible ... The source said the diplomatic western It was called Lakhdar Brahimi, of Geneva, to attend meetings alongside Ashton and Ban Ki-moon ... He described the atmosphere as was positive on the proposals revolved around the transition process begins immediately , on Assad to step down within three months ... The source said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected the offer , and said that the Syrians alone are determined attitude

In this context, Kerry stressed that « the end of the civil war in Syria requires a political solution , there is no military solution » , stressing that « what sought by the United States with other partners in the international community is to ensure respect for the laws in the area of chemical weapons. We do not want to be party to the conflict

At a time when the U.S. Congress begins its meetings today , up and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem to Moscow ... as assistant arrives in Moscow , Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Hussein Abdel Allahaa ,